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5 Behaviors That Can Raise Your Life Insurance Premiums

5 Behaviors That Can Raise Your Life Insurance Premiums

Your hobbies, lifestyle, and overall health impact how much you pay for life insurance. For example, if you have decided to take up scuba diving, mountain climbing, rock climbing, BASE jumping, or skydiving, these activities will affect the cost of your policy. Essentially, your life insurance policy is a legal contract between you and the company that issues it. These companies evaluate all risks associated...

How will the AHCA passing the Senate affect you?

How will the AHCA passing the Senate affect you?

Anyone who has Healthcare Insurance should be on alert on how the AHCA bill passing the Senate may affect you. To find out what those changes may be, I’m(Trevor Parker) sitting down today with Bill Schmidt, Director of Employee Benefits at Integrated Insurance Solutions. Bill has more than twenty years of experience in insurance, and founded his company SBIS for 18 years before merging with...

Video: Noisy Breaks: Common Causes and Possible Solutions by Allstate

Video: Noisy Breaks: Common Causes and Possible Solutions by Allstate

Here at Integrated Insurance Solutions, we want to make sure you don't have a preventable accident. Do you have noisy breaks or weird noises coming from your car? If so, then this video may just save you a lot of money, and possibly a life. In this video, Eric Obrochta teaches us some tips to use to find out what may just be causing that...

Prevent Cyber Crime From Happening To Your Business

Prevent Cyber Crime From Happening To Your Business

As a business person, you are concerned with making your business immune to cybercrime exposure, and with good reason. According to an article on CNBC, cybercrime cost the global economy $450 billion in 2016. Prevention is your best line of defense against cyber criminals. You will want an IT security expert to assess your company's current vulnerabilities and needs. In addition, there are certain universal...

Prepared to Put Your Company’s Data and Network Security to the Test?

Prepared to Put Your Company’s Data and Network Security to the Test?

Cybercrime is an increasingly dangerous industry that has been targeting companies, both big and small. Last week, we sat down with Integrated Insurance Solution’s Director of Commercial Lines Karen Roeder to discuss why every company requires Cyber Insurance. However, today I’d like to present Traveler's “Cyber Risk Pressure Test”. Do you think your company is up to snuff on its security? Whether you answered that...